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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jon's Feedback on Rachel's "Louis Griffin: The Feminist Model"

Nice post! You stayed on topic very well and you were able to execute the analysis of Lois Griffin from the femininity/masculinity stand point. Lots of times, Seth MacFarlane uses rough, even crude sarcasm to highlight the characteristics of each character, but you chose a great episode that was much more direct and concise and was able to be rightly justified. I only found very few errors in the post. For one, Lois Griffin's name is misspelled, but in solely watching the show, it is very hard to know that. And, a couple of commas could be inserted after certain quotes:
"In the episode “Model Misbehavior” Louis follows..." I believe there should be a comma after Misbehavior.
Regardless of those small errors, I believe that this is a very cohesive and well structured post. Seeing as though I have an obsession with Family Guy, I for one, greatly enjoyed this post!

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