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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Terms R-S

Definition: A group of persons related by common descent or heredity., Author: Dines, Source: 'Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture', Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Reference Group
Definition: Social group to which a person identifies and attempts to remain the same level socially and financially., Author: Juliet Schor, Source: The New Politics of Consumption, Date of Assignment: 2/13/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Definition: Acronym for real estate investment trusts. (in other words, mutual funds that specialize in real estate), Author: Susan Davis, Source: Space Jam, Date of Assignment: 2/12/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Retail Saturation
Definition: Term for when real estate developers partner with entertainment corporations because retail and office space are in demand., Author: Susan Davis, Source: Space Jam, Date of Assignment: 2/12/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Rugged Individualism
Definition: Herbert Hoover's well-known philosophy during the 1920's; an ideal of independence and self-sustenance practice by Americans before the Depression, Author: Lipsitz, Source: The Meaning of Memory, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Self- Objectification ( didn't include the term with def. on last entry)
Definition: the tendency( usually in women) to put more importance on one's physical aspect over what's in the inside- ex. sex appeal, weight, looks, etc., Author: Kilbourne, Source: Chapter 26 The More You Subtract, Date of Assignment: 2/19/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Definition: Act of viewing oneself superficially (only skin-deep). Regarding one's attractiveness, sex appeal, measurements, and weight as more important than health, fitness, strength, etc. Can result in shame, anxiety, and lack of self-esteem., Author: Kilbourne, Source: The More You Subtract..., Date of Assignment: 2/22/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Semiotic Analysis
Definition: Reveals how the codes and forms of particular genres follow certain meanings., Author: Dines, Source: 'The White's of Their Eyes', Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Definition: a critical approach for investigating the creation of meaning not only in written languages but also in other, nonverbal codes, such as visual and auditory languages of film and TV; analyzes how linguistic and nonlinguistic cultural “signs” form systems of meanings, Author: Douglas Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, & Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Definition: analyzes meanings of linguistic and nonlinguistic cultural signs, Author: Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Devon M.

Definition: linguistic and nonlinguistic cultural “signs” form systems of meanings, Author: Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Melissa Z.

Sexual Identity
Definition: a complex, incomplete, and unstable organization of one’s preferences in various areas, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

social change
Definition: a change in the culture and beliefs of a society, Author: Lipsitz, Source: The Meaning of Memory, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Jessica B.

Definition: a network of interconnected systems within systems, each made up of social positions and their relations to one another, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, the System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Definition: A network of interconnected systems within systems, each made up of social positions and their relation to one another, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, The System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Liz S.

Definition: An organized group of persons associated together for religions, benevolent. cultural, political, patriotic, or other purposes., Author: Johnson, Source: 'Patriarchy, the System...', Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Definition: A cultural subgroup differentiated by status, ethnic background, residence, religion, or other factors that functionally unify the group and act collectively on each member., Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class in Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Subculture groups
Definition: individuals who resist dominant forms of culture and identity, Author: Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Melissa Z.

Suburban Market
Definition: A connection between suburban growth and increased consumer spending; a new market opening up in middle-class and working-class families who could afford to own homes and buy new cars every few years, Author: Lipsitz, Source: The Meaning of Memory, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Symbolic annihilation
Definition: the invisibility of gays and lesbians in mass media, representing the powerlessness of the queer community, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Definition: something that cannot be reduced to the people who participate in it, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, the System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Amanda G.

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