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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Terms P-Q

Definition: Tony Shwartz coined this term for describing advertising in which the audience participates in on it's own manipulation., Author: Jhally, Source: Chapter 25 Image Based Culture, Date of Assignment: 2/19/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Patriarchal Culture
Definition: ideas about the nature of things, including men, women, and humanity, with manhood and masculinity most closely associated with being human; core value of control and domination in almost every area of human existence., Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy: The System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Patriarchal eyes
Definition: Women and men are profoundly different in their basic natures, hierarchy is the only alternative to chaos, and that men are made in the image of God, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, the System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Liz S.

Definition: a system defined by its male-dominated, male-identified, and male-centered character; identifies manhood and masculinity with being human and womanhood and femininity as “other”, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, the System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Definition: a kind of society organized around certain kinds of social relationships and ideas, with a male-dominated, male-identified, male-centered character; contains ideas about the nature of things, like humanity and masculinity being associated with being human, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, The System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Devon M.

Definition: a kind of society organized around certain kinds of social relationships, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, the System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Jessica B.

Definition: A kind of society organized around certain kinds of social relationships and ideas., Author: Johnson, Source: 'Patriarchy, the System...', Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Definition: male-dominated, male-identified, and male-centered character; set of symbols and ideas that make a culture embodied by everything from the content of everyday conversation to literature and film., Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy: The System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Definition: a system; a kind of society organized around certain kinds of social relationships and ideas; a set of symbols and ideas that make up a culture embodied by everything…, Author: Allan G. Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, The System; An It, Not a He, a Them, or an Us, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: No Name

'People's Products'
Definition: Items used by both men and women- such as cars, credit cards, insurance, sound equipment, financial services, etc., Author: Steinem, Source: Chapter 23 Sex, Lies, and Advertising, Date of Assignment: 2/19/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Definition: Brown, inventor of Cosmopolitan, actually provided women with tips and praise on how trickery in the sense of beauty was good. (ex. fake eyelashes, contacts, etc.), Author: Ouellette, Source: Inventing the Cosmo Girl, Date of Assignment: 2/8/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Pink Collar Women
Definition: Term used to describe the readers of Cosmopolitan that used Brown’s advice and ways of making their lives better, especially by getting office jobs., Author: Ouellette, Source: Inventing the Cosmo Girl, Date of Assignment: 2/8/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Political Economy of Culture
Definition: cultural texts within their system of production and distribution, Author: Douglas Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, & Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Promise Reapers
Definition: sees itself as “born from the side of Promise Keepers, Author: Ducat, Source: Gender In A Time of Holy War, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Jessica B.

Propaganda ( System)
Definition: advertising in a sense that proves that consuming is for the commodity and happiness that the purchase gives, Author: Jhally, Source: Chapter 25 Image Based Culture, Date of Assignment: 2/19/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Definition: someone who talks to God and has a Holy Book, creating rules of behavior and morality, Author: Satrapi, Source: Persepolis, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Qualitative Studies
Definition: Applies various critical theories to unpack the meanings of the texts or to explicate how texts function to produce meaning., Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class In Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Quantitative Studies
Definition: Dissects using numbers., Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class In Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Definition: This was once a derogative term that served as mental abuse. Now, “queer” describes the sexuality of a person: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, etc., Author: Raymond, Source: Chapter 10 Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Definition: someone who rejects binary categories and is politically radical, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Definition: gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, other sexual identities; politically radical term, rejects binary categories, universalizes rather than minoritizes, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Devon M.

Definition: Marker for some gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and other marginalized sexual identities. It is politically radical, rejects binary categories, embraces more fluid categories, and tends to be “universalizing.”, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Liz S.

Definition: A market for some gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and other marginalized sexual identities., Author: Dines, Source: 'Popular Culture and Queer Represenation...', Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Definition: Sexual identities such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (glbt)homogeneity Your own sexualitysymbolic annhiliation The invisibilit of gays and lesbians in mass media, Author: Raymond, Diane, Source: Ch. 10 GRCM, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Kristin C.

Definition: Term to label a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or any other sexual identity., Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Queer Theory
Definition: An academic, open-minded title that refers to information involving lesbian/gay studies analyzed through culture and not as a category of society., Author: Raymond, Source: Chapter 10 Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Queer Theory
Definition: a body of knowledge connected to lesbian/gay studies that advocates fluidity, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Queer theory
Definition: knowledge connected to but not the same as lesbian/gay studies, looks at queerness throughout culture, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Devon M.

Queer Theory
Definition: identifies a body of knowledge connected to but not identical with lesbian/gay studies., Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Liz S.

Queer Theory
Definition: To identify a body of knowledge connected to but not identical to lesbian/gay studies. Based on the study of queer culture, not so much fixed demarcated studies., Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Lauren P.

'Queer Theory
Definition: A body of knowledge connected to but not identical with lesbian/gay studies., Author: Dines, Source: 'Popular Culture and Queer Representation...', Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

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