Dave P. Cole & Beverly Guy-Sheftall, "No Respect, Gender Politics & Rap Music"
David Pica
Cole & Beverly Guy-Sheftall, "No Respect, Gender Politics & Rap Music"
• Hip-hop is more male chauvinist and disrespectful of black women than other popular music groups. (pg 100)
• At an early age black boys and girls view videos with casual references to rape, soft porn, and other types of violence. (pg 101)
• Hip-hop videos send messages that encourage blacks to have misogynistic attitudes and behaviors. (pg 101)
• Hip-hop shows stereotypical and damaging images of black women. (pg101)
• The writers considered that maybe the relationship between black women and men and gender conflicts have worsened over time. (pg 101)
• A study showed that black College students believed that rap music was an accurate interpretation of gender relations. (pg 103)
• Police, poverty, and an unjust system are not the only problems for black youth, women are as well. (pg 103)
• "Implied"- Artists should communicate positive and empowering messages.
• "Implied"- Artists have to take greater control over the production of their work and images they send. (pg 103) It's a challenge "when the mostly white, greedy corporate world controls the production and distribution process with no regard for promoting positive social values or healing the social rifts between black men and women." (pg 103)
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