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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Terms B-C

Definition: Term usually given to the men that work and bring in the income for his family, while his wife remains a homemaker., Author: Ouellette, Source: Inventing the Cosmo Girl, Date of Assignment: 2/8/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Definition: An economic system based on private ownership of capital., Author: Dines, Source: 'The Meaning of Memory...', Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Civic Courage
Definition: Upholding basic noncommercial principles of democracy; drawing the line between public and commerical spheres. Civic courage has been upheld in public sphere of public education., Author: Giroux, Source: Kids For Sale, Date of Assignment: 3/1/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Definition: A number of persons or things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes, characteristics, qualities, or traits., Author: Dines, Source: 'Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture', Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

competitive consumption
Definition: The idea that spending is a large part driven by a comparative or competitive process in which individuals try to keep up with the norms of the social group with which they identify, Author: Schor, Source: The Need Politics of Consumption, Date of Assignment: 2/15/2007, Name: Liz S.

Competitive Consumption
Definition: The idea that spending is driven by a comparative or competitive process in which we try to keep up with norms of the social group; some believe it jeopardozes the quality of American life., Author: Juliet Schor, Source: The New Politics of Consumption, Date of Assignment: 2/15/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Competitive Consumption
Definition: The way in which Americans spend their money mostly based upon comparison and competition with others to keep up with the norms of their identified social group., Author: Schor, Source: Chapter 19 The New Politics of Consumption, Date of Assignment: 2/15/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Compulsory Heterosexuality
Definition: The natural institution or practice with its own set of expectations, norms, and principles of conduct., Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representaion, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Connotative Meaning
Definition: Seek to find credible readings hidden in text that for example a culture of homophobia and heterosexism bars us from seeing., Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Liz S.

Connotative Readings
Definition: an analytical approach seeking to find credible readings that our homophobic/heterosexist culture normally prevents us from seeing in a text, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Consumer consciousness
Definition: A reluctance to spend due to the lessons of historical experiences, Author: Lipsitz, Source: The Meaning of Memory, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Consumer Identities
Definition: Would identify new products and style of consumption with traditional historically sanctioned practices and behaviors., Author: Lipsitz, Source: The Meaning of Memory, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Liz S.

Consumer Resistance
Definition: an attitude as a result of the Great Depression in which people don’t spend more money than one has and don’t buy new things if the old things work fine., Author: Lipsitz, Source: The Meaning of Memory, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Liz S.

Definition: The concept that an ever-expaning consumption of goods is advantageous to the economy., Author: Dines, Source: 'The Meaning of Memory...', Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Copulsory Heterosexuality/Heteronormatity
Definition: This term describes that heterosexuality is an institution or practice that has its own principles of conduct and expectations., Author: Raymond, Source: Chapter 10 Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Corporate Culture
Definition: Prescence and influence of corporations, commericialism, marketing/advertising in our culture/society. Corporate culture has negative effect on aspects of culture, especially when it invades public spheres, such as America's public school systems., Author: Giroux, Source: Kids For Sale, Date of Assignment: 3/1/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Definition: forces of resistance and struggle, Author: Douglas Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, & Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Critical Cultural Studies
Definition: Develops concepts and analyses that will enable readers to analytically dissect the artifacts of contemporary media culture and to gain power over their cultural environment., Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class in Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Cultural Isolationism
Definition: A way of life enforced on the people in this country so as to let them have a free conscience with respect to how they deal with the rest of the world or with subcultures in America., Author: Hall, Source: But I Know You, American Woman, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Cultural Oppression
Definition: The Anglo-American culture dominates and ignores other cultures by failing to acknowledge them in the mainstream American media., Author: Hall, Source: But I Know You, American Woman, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Cultural Pedagogy
Definition: Educating people on how to behave and what to think, feel, believe, fear, and desire – and what not to., Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class In Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Cultural Revolution
Definition: changing the way society is run by attempting to eradicate all traces of foreign culture, or culture that goes against the morals and beliefs of the new regime, Author: Satrapi, Source: Persepolis, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Amanda G.

cultural revolution
Definition: the changing of culture in country where there is already a set culture, Author: Satrapi, Source: Persepolis, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Jessica B.

Cultural Revolution
Definition: Society changed to follow the “higher up’s” new rules to eliminate the image of capitalism and decadence. Bilingual schools were closed and boys and girls were separated in school., Author: Satrapi, Source: The Veil, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Melissa M.

Cultural studies
Definition: set of approaches to the study of culture and society, how subcultural groups/individuals conform to or resist dominant forms of culture and identity, shows how media culture articulates dominant values/political ideologies/social developments, Author: Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Devon M.

Cultural Studies
Definition: A set of approaches to the study of culture and society, Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class In Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Cultural studies
Definition: show how media articulates dominant values, political ideologies and social developments and novelties of an era, Author: Kellner, Source: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Melissa Z.

Definition: not something you have a choice in keeping or discarding; it is in you and of you, Author: Moschkovich, Source: But I know You, American Woman, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Definition: quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc., Author: Dines, Source: Gender, Race, and Class in Media, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Katelyn R.

Definition: Something that one cannot disard; itHall, Author: Hall, Source: But I Know You, American Woman, Date of Assignment: 1/29/2007, Name: Lauren P.

Definition: provides symbols and ideas out of which people construct their sense of what is real, Author: Johnson, Source: Patriarchy, the System, Date of Assignment: 2/1/2007, Name: Amanda G.

Cumpulsory Heterosexuality
Definition: shows heterosexuality as natural and inevitable, establishing it as a practice with its own set of expectations, norms, and principles of conduct, Author: Raymond, Source: Popular Culture and Queer Representation, Date of Assignment: 2/5/2007, Name: Amanda G.

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